Enhance Your Natural Beauty with Facial Aesthetics at Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds

Aesthetics and facial harmony play a significant role in our overall appearance and self-confidence. While dental care focuses on the health and beauty of our teeth, facial aesthetics takes it a step further by addressing the overall balance and rejuvenation of our facial features. Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds is a leading dental clinic that offers exceptional facial aesthetics services. In this blog post, we will explore the world of facial aesthetics at Aesthetique Dental Care and how it can help enhance your natural beauty.

1. Understanding Facial Aesthetics:

Facial aesthetics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on non-surgical treatments to enhance the appearance of facial features, including the skin, lips, and jawline. These treatments aim to achieve facial balance, reduce signs of aging, and rejuvenate the overall appearance, leading to a more youthful and radiant look.

2. Aesthetique Dental Care: Your Destination for Facial Aesthetics:

Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds is a renowned dental clinic that offers a comprehensive range of facial aesthetics treatments. Their team of highly skilled professionals is dedicated to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals while prioritizing their safety and well-being. Here are some popular facial aesthetics treatments available at Aesthetique Dental Care:

a) Anti-Wrinkle Injections:

Anti-wrinkle injections, commonly known as Botox or Botulinum Toxin injections, are a popular non-surgical treatment to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These injections relax the underlying facial muscles, smoothening the skin and providing a more youthful appearance.

b) Dermal Fillers:

Dermal fillers are used to restore volume and add contour to the face. They can be used to plump lips, fill in wrinkles and deep lines, and enhance facial features such as cheeks and chin. Dermal fillers help achieve a more youthful and refreshed look.

c) Lip Enhancement:

Lip enhancement treatments focus on enhancing the shape, volume, and definition of the lips. Aesthetique Dental Care offers lip fillers to create fuller, more luscious lips that harmonize with your facial features, helping you achieve the perfect pout.

d) Jawline Contouring:

Jawline contouring treatments help redefine and sculpt the jawline for a more defined and balanced facial profile. By using dermal fillers strategically, Aesthetique Dental Care can enhance the jawline’s shape and create a more contoured appearance.

e) Skin Rejuvenation:

Aesthetique Dental Care also offers skin rejuvenation treatments to improve the overall quality and texture of the skin. These treatments may include chemical peels, micro-needling, or dermal fillers to address concerns like acne scars, pigmentation, and dull skin, leaving you with a glowing complexion.

3. Benefits of Facial Aesthetics:

Undergoing facial aesthetics treatments at Aesthetique Dental Care offers several benefits, including:

– Enhanced facial harmony and balance

– Reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin

– Restoration of volume and definition to facial features

– Improved self-confidence and self-esteem

– Non-surgical and minimally invasive procedures

– Customized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs

If you’re looking to enhance your natural beauty and rejuvenate your facial features, facial aesthetics at Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds is the perfect solution. With their range of treatments, including anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, lip enhancements, and jawline contouring, they can help you achieve a more youthful and harmonious appearance.

0113 245 8066

21 Wharf St, The Calls, Leeds LS2 7EQ


Enhance Your Natural Beauty with Facial Aesthetics at Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds

Are you thinking about teeth straightening? Find out more about popular treatments, Six Month Smiles and Invisalign

According to research, at least 40% of Brits are unhappy with their teeth. Are you one of those forty percent? If you are not satisfied with your teeth or embarrassed about your smile there are many solutions available to rectify this, including modern-day teeth straightening treatments, such as cosmetic braces. At Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds, we offer a great choice of teeth straightening solutions.

What are Cosmetic Braces?

Cosmetic braces are an effective, safe and affordable solution that will fit with your lifestyle. They are designed to be discreet and are worn to straighten the teeth and improve the whole appearance of your smile. They can be worn to correct misaligned teeth, crowded teeth, and gaps between the teeth. These braces are often known as fast acting braces because they speed up the time in which teeth move into the desired position. They are designed to be unobtrusive and are light and more comfortable to wear, which often means people feel less self-conscious about wearing them.

Six Month Smiles

These braces are designed to re-position crooked or badly aligned teeth in approximately six months, hence their name.  The teeth straightening system focuses on those teeth that show when you smile, therefore the treatment is targeted at each individual.

The braces are smaller and lighter than traditional braces and consist of small tooth-coloured brackets and wires, which blend in with the rest of your teeth and are very discreet and aesthetically pleasing. They use a small amount of force to move your teeth into the correct position. Once the braces have been fitted, you will undergo a few adjustments to ensure they are correctly in position.  This system is used for both top and lower teeth and is suitable for overbites, spacing and rotated or extruded teeth.

Dr Hamid, at the dental practice in Leeds, has a wealth of experience in being a Six Months Smiles provider. He is involved in both the training and mentoring of other dentists, both nationally and internationally, in the Six Month Smile system. Aesthetique Dental Care is also one of the few clinics in the UK, which are certified to provide fast acting cosmetic braces such as Six Month Smiles.


These are an alternative to the Six Month Smiles system and are generally chosen for their aesthetic properties because they are unobtrusive and comfortable. Invisalign are virtually invisible and are usually chosen by people for cosmetic reasons.

These braces are made entirely from a specially formulated transparent plastic, which means there are no metal brackets or wires involved.

Invisalign uses a 3D system called Itero® which allows the dentist to plot the treatment on screen by taking impressions of your teeth. It can map out the progress of the teeth straightening system and you can see the final results. This also allows the dentist to predict how long the process will take. Using the data, a set of custom-made aligners will be produced. These need to be worn for 22 hours per day but can be removed for eating and teeth cleaning. A new set of aligners will be provided every two weeks and these aligners will gently move the teeth into the desired position.

Dr Hamid is a recognised Platinum provider of Invisalign in Leeds, which means that he is highly experienced and he has helped hundreds of people get the smile they want. With his wealth of knowledge and experience, he can help you achieve the perfect smile, and in turn, give you back confidence in your appearance again.


Aesthetique Dental Care – Dentist Leeds

21 Wharf Street

The Calls


West Yorkshire



Tel: 0113 245 8066

Email: info@smileclinicleeds.com

Web: https://aesthetique.me.uk/

Are you thinking about teeth straightening? Find out more about popular treatments, Six Month Smiles and Invisalign