Smile with Confidence: Transforming Your Smile with Invisalign at Lawnswood Dental in Leeds

A radiant smile has the power to light up a room, boost confidence, and leave a lasting impression. If you’ve been dreaming of achieving a straighter, more beautiful smile without the hassle of traditional braces, look no further than Lawnswood Dental in Leeds. With their cutting-edge Invisalign treatment, you can embark on a journey to a straighter smile discreetly and comfortably.

Understanding Invisalign:

Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that utilizes clear, custom-made aligners to shift your teeth gently and gradually into the desired position. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign offers a more discreet and comfortable alternative, allowing you to straighten your teeth without anyone even noticing.

Why Lawnswood Dental?

Lawnswood Dental, located in the heart of Leeds, is a trusted dental practice known for its commitment to providing high-quality care. Their team of experienced and skilled professionals is dedicated to helping patients achieve the smile of their dreams.

Personalized Treatment Plans:

One of the key advantages of choosing Lawnswood Dental for your Invisalign treatment is the personalized approach to care. During your initial consultation, the dental team will assess your oral health, discuss your smile goals, and create a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This ensures that every step of your Invisalign journey is carefully planned and executed.

State-of-the-Art Technology:

Lawnswood Dental is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to enhance your Invisalign experience. Advanced digital imaging allows for precise treatment planning, ensuring optimal results. The use of the latest technology also means fewer visits to the dental office, allowing you to enjoy the convenience of your Invisalign treatment.

Comfort and Convenience:

Invisalign aligners are not only discreet but also comfortable. Made from smooth, BPA-free plastic, the aligners gently fit over your teeth without the need for brackets or wires. Additionally, Invisalign aligners are removable, making it easy to maintain good oral hygiene and enjoy your favourite foods without restrictions.

The Invisalign Process:

The Invisalign process at Lawnswood Dental typically begins with a digital scan or impression of your teeth. This information is used to create a series of custom aligners that will be worn for about two weeks each. As you progress through the aligner series, your teeth gradually move into their desired position.

Regular check-ups with the dental team at Lawnswood Dental will be scheduled to monitor your progress and ensure that your treatment plan is on track. With Invisalign, you’ll be one step closer to achieving the smile you’ve always wanted.

Transforming your smile has never been easier and more discreet than with Invisalign at Lawnswood Dental in Leeds. Embrace the journey to a straighter, more confident smile with a team that prioritizes your comfort and satisfaction. Say goodbye to traditional braces and hello to a new era of orthodontic treatment at Lawnswood Dental. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards the smile you deserve.


Lawnswood Dental care, 153 Otley Old Road, Leeds, LS16 6HN

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Smile with Confidence: Transforming Your Smile with Invisalign at Lawnswood Dental in Leeds

Achieve a Perfect Smile with Teeth Straightening at One Two Three Dental in Leeds

A beautiful, straight smile is not only aesthetically pleasing but also a reflection of good oral health. If you’re seeking to transform your smile and boost your confidence, look no further than One Two Three Dental in Leeds. This premier dental clinic specializes in teeth straightening treatments that can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of teeth straightening at One Two Three Dental and how their expertise can lead you to a healthier, more radiant smile.

The Importance of Straight Teeth

Straight teeth do more than just enhance your appearance; they contribute to better oral health as well. Misaligned teeth can create crevices that are difficult to clean, leading to an increased risk of cavities and gum disease. Additionally, an uneven bite can cause jaw discomfort, headaches, and even affect your speech. By opting for teeth straightening treatments at One Two Three Dental, you’re investing in both the aesthetics and the functionality of your smile.

Cutting-Edge Teeth Straightening Solutions

At One Two Three Dental, a range of advanced teeth straightening options is available, ensuring that every patient can find the perfect solution for their needs. Some of the notable treatments offered include:

1. Invisalign: This innovative system utilizes clear, removable aligners to gradually shift your teeth into the desired position. Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, making them a discreet and comfortable option for adults and teens alike.

2. Traditional Braces: One Two Three Dental offers traditional metal braces that have come a long way in terms of comfort and effectiveness. These braces are a reliable choice for correcting complex orthodontic issues.

3. Ceramic Braces: For those who seek a more subtle option, ceramic braces blend in with your natural teeth, making them less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

4. Lingual Braces: These braces are placed on the back of your teeth, making them completely hidden from view. Lingual braces are an excellent choice if you’re looking for a discreet treatment option.

5. Fastbraces®: As the name suggests, Fastbraces® offer a quicker teeth straightening process compared to traditional methods. They use a unique triangular bracket design to achieve faster results.

The One Two Three Dental Experience

Choosing One Two Three Dental for your teeth straightening journey comes with a range of benefits that set them apart as a premier dental clinic:

1. Expertise: The dental professionals at One Two Three Dental possess extensive experience in orthodontics and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in teeth straightening techniques.

2. Personalized Treatment Plans: Your journey begins with a thorough consultation, during which the dental team assesses your oral health and discusses your goals. A personalized treatment plan is then tailored to address your specific needs.

3. Patient-Centric Care: One Two Three Dental prioritizes your comfort and satisfaction at every step. Their friendly and attentive team ensures that you feel at ease during your visits.

4. State-of-the-Art Technology: The clinic employs cutting-edge technology to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of teeth straightening procedures, ensuring optimal results.

A straight, confident smile is within your reach, thanks to the exceptional teeth straightening treatments offered at One Two Three Dental in Leeds. By choosing this reputable clinic, you’re investing in both your oral health and your self-esteem. Embark on a journey towards a stunning smile that reflects your inner radiance – schedule a consultation at One Two Three Dental and take the first step towards a more beautiful, healthier you.

123 Otley Road, Guiseley, Leeds, LS20 8BH

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01943 874476

Achieve a Perfect Smile with Teeth Straightening at One Two Three Dental in Leeds

Enhance Your Natural Beauty with Facial Aesthetics at Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds

Aesthetics and facial harmony play a significant role in our overall appearance and self-confidence. While dental care focuses on the health and beauty of our teeth, facial aesthetics takes it a step further by addressing the overall balance and rejuvenation of our facial features. Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds is a leading dental clinic that offers exceptional facial aesthetics services. In this blog post, we will explore the world of facial aesthetics at Aesthetique Dental Care and how it can help enhance your natural beauty.

1. Understanding Facial Aesthetics:

Facial aesthetics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on non-surgical treatments to enhance the appearance of facial features, including the skin, lips, and jawline. These treatments aim to achieve facial balance, reduce signs of aging, and rejuvenate the overall appearance, leading to a more youthful and radiant look.

2. Aesthetique Dental Care: Your Destination for Facial Aesthetics:

Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds is a renowned dental clinic that offers a comprehensive range of facial aesthetics treatments. Their team of highly skilled professionals is dedicated to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals while prioritizing their safety and well-being. Here are some popular facial aesthetics treatments available at Aesthetique Dental Care:

a) Anti-Wrinkle Injections:

Anti-wrinkle injections, commonly known as Botox or Botulinum Toxin injections, are a popular non-surgical treatment to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These injections relax the underlying facial muscles, smoothening the skin and providing a more youthful appearance.

b) Dermal Fillers:

Dermal fillers are used to restore volume and add contour to the face. They can be used to plump lips, fill in wrinkles and deep lines, and enhance facial features such as cheeks and chin. Dermal fillers help achieve a more youthful and refreshed look.

c) Lip Enhancement:

Lip enhancement treatments focus on enhancing the shape, volume, and definition of the lips. Aesthetique Dental Care offers lip fillers to create fuller, more luscious lips that harmonize with your facial features, helping you achieve the perfect pout.

d) Jawline Contouring:

Jawline contouring treatments help redefine and sculpt the jawline for a more defined and balanced facial profile. By using dermal fillers strategically, Aesthetique Dental Care can enhance the jawline’s shape and create a more contoured appearance.

e) Skin Rejuvenation:

Aesthetique Dental Care also offers skin rejuvenation treatments to improve the overall quality and texture of the skin. These treatments may include chemical peels, micro-needling, or dermal fillers to address concerns like acne scars, pigmentation, and dull skin, leaving you with a glowing complexion.

3. Benefits of Facial Aesthetics:

Undergoing facial aesthetics treatments at Aesthetique Dental Care offers several benefits, including:

– Enhanced facial harmony and balance

– Reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin

– Restoration of volume and definition to facial features

– Improved self-confidence and self-esteem

– Non-surgical and minimally invasive procedures

– Customized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs

If you’re looking to enhance your natural beauty and rejuvenate your facial features, facial aesthetics at Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds is the perfect solution. With their range of treatments, including anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, lip enhancements, and jawline contouring, they can help you achieve a more youthful and harmonious appearance.

0113 245 8066

21 Wharf St, The Calls, Leeds LS2 7EQ

Enhance Your Natural Beauty with Facial Aesthetics at Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds

Aesthetique – Reliable and friendly dentist in Leeds city centre

Aesthetique Dental Care is one of the leading private dental clinics in the UK, who are also one of the most technologically advanced clinics in the North of England; using cutting edge techniques to improve and maintain your smile. The dentist in Leeds have invested in a digital iTero Invisalign scanner so that teeth can be scanned without the need for molds, as well as a CT scanner which takes accurate scans so that more detailed dental plans can be made. Aesthetique Dental Care take pride in being a friendly and easily accessible dental practice, offering lunchtime, evening and weekend appointments so they can be flexible for their clients.

Teeth Straightening

Aesthetique Dental Care offer numerous methods of teeth straightening in Leeds for people who are unhappy with their teeth and are lacking confidence due to crooked, twisted and uneven teeth or gaps.

One option is six month smiles which offers a discreet, efficient and cost-effective option for a beautiful smile. It targets only the teeth that show when you smile meaning it is a quick and obvious treatment. Although they are a discreet option, they are not ‘invisible’ like some treatments but are created from white-coloured braces and clear brackets.

One of the main benefits from this treatment is that it is suitable for most teeth-related issues including spacing, overbites and rotated and protruding teeth.

Before receiving this treatment, the dentist will need to do x-rays and impressions to determine that this is the most suitable procedure for the client’s issues and can be carried out safely. Custom brackets and braces will then be produced, and the dentist will then apply them to the teeth. You will need regular appointments to ensure that you stay on course with the treatment. After the treatment has ended, you will need a retainer to ensure that the teeth stay in their place.


Also know as the ‘invisible brace’, Invisalign in Leeds provided by Aesthetique Dental Care is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments which has been used successfully by millions of people worldwide. Because of their unique 3D technology, Invisalign promises highly predictable and precise results, alongside shorter treatment times.

The treatment works by taking impressions of teeth and then showing you how we would expect them to move and what the end result may look like. Custom aligners are then produced, and each set is worn for approximately 2 weeks for 22 hours a day, taking them out to eat and drink. One of the advantages of this treatment is that they are more comfortable than fixed metal braces as there are no metal parts to rub the inside of the mouth.

Whilst every mouth is different, treatment usually takes between 12 – 18 months, with some patients only requiring them for 6 months.

Afterwards, it is highly recommended that the patient wears a retainer at night to prevent the teeth from reverting to their previous state.

Inman Aligner

Designed to correct adult relapse and misaligned teeth, the Inman Aligner is barely visible except for one single clear wire and is removable. The Inman Aligner can correct moderate crowding and rotation of teeth and is more comfortable to wear as it utilises nickel titanium rather than stainless steel and treatment can be achieved from between 8 – 16 weeks. However, the Inman Aligner can only correct the top and bottom front teeth, whereas Invisalign can correct all your teeth. This method incorporates a lingual coil spring that applies pressure at the back of the teeth that require repositioning and a bar that is placed across the front of teeth reciprocates the same pressure. Altogether, this ‘squeezes’ teeth together by pushing and pulling them into alignment.

Lingual Braces

This method is similar to traditional bracket and wire braces, except they are almost entirely invisible because they are placed on the back of the teeth facing the tongue rather than front-facing.

Brackets are placed onto teeth at the same time to properly correct misalignments and the wires connected to each bracket require some customization to serve each patient’s individual needs. A perfect fit with this method is essential as the brackets and wires are more challenging to install.

If you are interested in making an appointment with the Aesthetique Dental Care team or just talking through some of the processes in more detail, then do contact them.

Aesthetique Dental Care – dentist in Leeds

21 Wharf Street



Tel: 0113 245 8066



Aesthetique – Reliable and friendly dentist in Leeds city centre

Are you thinking about teeth straightening? Find out more about popular treatments, Six Month Smiles and Invisalign

According to research, at least 40% of Brits are unhappy with their teeth. Are you one of those forty percent? If you are not satisfied with your teeth or embarrassed about your smile there are many solutions available to rectify this, including modern-day teeth straightening treatments, such as cosmetic braces. At Aesthetique Dental Care in Leeds, we offer a great choice of teeth straightening solutions.

What are Cosmetic Braces?

Cosmetic braces are an effective, safe and affordable solution that will fit with your lifestyle. They are designed to be discreet and are worn to straighten the teeth and improve the whole appearance of your smile. They can be worn to correct misaligned teeth, crowded teeth, and gaps between the teeth. These braces are often known as fast acting braces because they speed up the time in which teeth move into the desired position. They are designed to be unobtrusive and are light and more comfortable to wear, which often means people feel less self-conscious about wearing them.

Six Month Smiles

These braces are designed to re-position crooked or badly aligned teeth in approximately six months, hence their name.  The teeth straightening system focuses on those teeth that show when you smile, therefore the treatment is targeted at each individual.

The braces are smaller and lighter than traditional braces and consist of small tooth-coloured brackets and wires, which blend in with the rest of your teeth and are very discreet and aesthetically pleasing. They use a small amount of force to move your teeth into the correct position. Once the braces have been fitted, you will undergo a few adjustments to ensure they are correctly in position.  This system is used for both top and lower teeth and is suitable for overbites, spacing and rotated or extruded teeth.

Dr Hamid, at the dental practice in Leeds, has a wealth of experience in being a Six Months Smiles provider. He is involved in both the training and mentoring of other dentists, both nationally and internationally, in the Six Month Smile system. Aesthetique Dental Care is also one of the few clinics in the UK, which are certified to provide fast acting cosmetic braces such as Six Month Smiles.


These are an alternative to the Six Month Smiles system and are generally chosen for their aesthetic properties because they are unobtrusive and comfortable. Invisalign are virtually invisible and are usually chosen by people for cosmetic reasons.

These braces are made entirely from a specially formulated transparent plastic, which means there are no metal brackets or wires involved.

Invisalign uses a 3D system called Itero® which allows the dentist to plot the treatment on screen by taking impressions of your teeth. It can map out the progress of the teeth straightening system and you can see the final results. This also allows the dentist to predict how long the process will take. Using the data, a set of custom-made aligners will be produced. These need to be worn for 22 hours per day but can be removed for eating and teeth cleaning. A new set of aligners will be provided every two weeks and these aligners will gently move the teeth into the desired position.

Dr Hamid is a recognised Platinum provider of Invisalign in Leeds, which means that he is highly experienced and he has helped hundreds of people get the smile they want. With his wealth of knowledge and experience, he can help you achieve the perfect smile, and in turn, give you back confidence in your appearance again.


Aesthetique Dental Care – Dentist Leeds

21 Wharf Street

The Calls


West Yorkshire



Tel: 0113 245 8066



Are you thinking about teeth straightening? Find out more about popular treatments, Six Month Smiles and Invisalign